You need money in a checking account, so you can pay your bills on an ongoing basis. You also need money in a savings account for emergency expenses, such as when your roof springs a leak or your car gives you trouble. Yet, what happens if you die and money is left in your bank account? Ensure you have a clear plan in place for your money.
A trustee is a person or entity who’s appointed to manage assets held in trust on behalf of a third party. There are few formal restrictions on who can serve as a trustee.
A pet trust provides a legal entity to hold funds and designate a caregiver to support the care of your pet if you should become incapacitated or pass away.
Being named as an executor in a loved one’s Last Will and Testament is a big responsibility. It is important to understand what you are agreeing to before you step into the role as executor.
The distribution of wealth among beneficiaries through your final will and testament is often a complex and sensitive issue, one that can potentially spark conflicts and legal challenges among family members.
For many parents, transferring real estate to their children is an important part of their estate planning process. There are several ways that parents can do this, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
An LLC is a particularly flexible form of business entity that is governed by statute and most often is organized in the estate planning context as a ‘manager managed’ LLC.