An LLC is a particularly flexible form of business entity that is governed by statute and most often is organized in the estate planning context as a ‘manager managed’ LLC.
Many things change from a legal standpoint once kids become independent adults and head off to college. Review the checklist below to prepare your kid for life's next journey.
If a child you’ve added to your deed goes through a divorce, has tax issues, is sued by someone, or must declare bankruptcy, your house could be on the chopping block!
In an effort to keep taxpayers from transferring wealth from one generation to the next tax-free, there are specific limits to the amount of gifts one may give to any one person each year.
If there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s life’s uncertainty. While we all hope for the best, as a business owner, it’s important to be prepared for anything. Having an answer to life’s curveballs can help you stay in business, ensure that your legacy lives on, and that your business partners and family are taken care of.
Congratulations, Dad. You’ve raised your children, who now have children of their own. Despite all the obstacles of recent years, the family is thriving. You feel good about how you’ve led your life and are hopeful about the years ahead. The next thing on your agenda: creating a legacy of caring for your family. This […]
A power of attorney is a legal document giving one person—the “agent”—the legal power to make legal, financial, or medical decisions for another person. It is one of According to a recent article from Nerd Wallet, “What is a Power of Attorney (POA)? Types, How, When to Use,” the POA lets someone act on your […]
Unfortunately, during the grieving process surviving spouses also need to navigate the complex financial issues that arise after the death of their partner.